How to Treat Heel Fat Pad Syndrome

Image of foot x-ray

Your feet are integral to your everyday life as they help you move and balance your posture. As you move, your heel is the first point of contact with the ground. Because of this, it takes a lot of pressure and stress when you move and stand. In fact, it has been shown that your …

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Problems in Aging Feet to Watch Out For

Image of old women problems in aging feet

The natural aging process comes with a lot of changes when it comes to your body. This includes your feet as the elasticity and stability of the tendons and ligaments are impacted as you age. This can change the arch height, in addition to the length and width of your feet. Below you will find …

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Do I Need an X-Ray for My Foot?

Image of foot x-ray

Foot injuries can range from something minor to a serious emergency. However, there are a lot of foot and ankle injuries that may make you wonder what treatment you need. You may think it’s something you can treat at home, but also worry that you should get seen by a medical professional. Many times, you …

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Can Warts Regrow?

Warts are a skin condition that can be unsightly. They are common in children and teenagers as nearly 33% have had warts in their lifetime. Warts become less common as you get older as they only affect between 3 to 5% of adults. If you have had warts, you may wonder, can warts regrow? Below …

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What Happens to an Aging Foot?


The effects of aging can impact various parts of your body, including your feet. You may wonder, what happens to an aging foot? Depending on your current physical health, health history, and even genetics, a variety of issues may occur. The good news is that there are so many treatments and solutions to common foot …

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Typical Tests for a Foot Injury

Tests For Foot Injury

Foot and ankle injuries can cause major issues in your daily life due to the impact they can have on your ability to move around. With that, getting medical attention to diagnose and treat the issue is crucial for a speedy recovery. If you end up with a foot injury, it’s important to seek medical …

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How to Improve Your Walking Technique

No matter what your age, walking is a beneficial form of exercise. Walking helps burn calories, strengthens your heart, helps lower your blood sugar, eases joint pain, boosts your energy, and can even improve your mood. It is often an underrated form of exercise with major benefits. However, walking incorrectly can do more damage than …

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Importance of Proper Footwear

While the topic of shoes often revolves around fashion and trends, it’s also important to have shoes that fit properly. Really, you ought not underestimate the importance of proper footwear. While it is especially important to have supportive and properly fitted footwear during exercise, it’s also important when it comes to all sorts of other …

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Top Shoe Mistakes for Foot Problems

Top Shoe Mistakes for Foot Problems

Feet are often overlooked when it comes to your physical health, but they go through a lot. Your feet are your primary vehicle for getting around, which means taking good care of them will ensure their long-term health. However, most people don’t think about how they are harming their feet. Below you will find the …

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Why Are Flip Flops Bad for Feet

There’s no doubt that flip-flops are convenient and a breath of fresh air on a hot day. However, the comfort and convenience come at a price for your feet. Before you make the easy choice of slipping on your flip-flops every day, consider the short- and long-term effects of their impact on your feet and …

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