Common Causes of Foot Pain

Walking, running, jumping, and dancing come so naturally to most people that the importance of their feet is often forgotten until they experience pain. Foot pain can greatly affect one’s quality of life. It limits almost all of your everyday activities, causing not only anxiety but also frustration. This makes it crucial to understand what causes foot pain. Understanding the common causes of foot pain is the first step toward prevention and effective treatment. Seeking a foot doctor in Westlake will help you determine what causes your pain and provide appropriate treatment so that you can go back to enjoying a pain-free life and prevent future problems.

Common Causes of Foot Pain

Plantar Fasciitis

This is one of the most common causes of foot pain, specifically of the heel. The pain is caused by the inflammation of the plantar fascia which is the thick tissue on the bottom of the foot that connects the heel bone to the toes. When the fascia is inflamed, it causes intense pain. It is usually worse when you take your first steps in the morning and lose its intensity with movement.


  • Stabbing pain in the heel
  • More intense pain in the morning or after long periods of activity


  • Obesity
  • Frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes
  • Standing for long periods at a time


  • Cold compress
  • Physical therapy
  • Rest
  • Supportive shoes or inserts
  • Pain relievers

Achilles Tendonitis

This happens when the tendon that connects the back of your leg to your heel is swollen. The problem is this is the tendon that you use when you walk, run, and jump. And with Achilles Tendonitis, it will be very hard to do all of these things.
Sometimes, tendonitis is due to overuse. Sometimes, it is due to arthritis.


  • Pain in the heel and stiffness along the Achilles tendon
  • Swelling and thickening of the tendon
  • Painful to the touch
  • Painful when moved
  • Standing on one toe is a challenge


  • Wearing high heels for long periods of time
  • Sudden intensity in the use of the tendon
  • Tight muscles in the calf


  • Rest
  • Cold compress
  • Stretching exercises for the calf muscles
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs


A painful bony bump that forms on the inside of the foot at the large joint of the big toe is called a bunion. Although most bunions develop in adulthood and may have developed due to repetitive micro-trauma that is usually caused by wearing shoes with a heel lift and narrow toe box, some bunions develop early in life. 

Bunions usually start small but they grow bigger as they get worse over time. And as they get bigger, the more painful and challenging it would be for the patient to walk. Severe bunions are not only painful, they also cause disfigurement to the foot and cause more discomfort due to the formation of calluses.


  • Bony bump on the side of the foot
  • Swelling around the joint
  • Pain and tenderness
  • Redness
  • Callus on the bump
  • Difficulty walking


  • Foot stress
  • Injuries
  • Inborn deformities
  • Tight high-heeled shoes
  • Genetics


  • Wide-toed shoes
  • Stretching the calf muscles to promote foot alignment
  • Surgery for extreme cases


This is a form of arthritis that affects more than 8.3 million people in the United States alone. It usually attacks the joint at the base of the big toe. Gout attacks are usually unexpected. They can occur suddenly and often at night with a hot, painful sensation on your big toe. Although gouts usually attack the big toe, they can also affect the ankles, knees, elbows, and other joints. Chronic gout patients can have two or more flares in a year and may not be limited to only one joint.

Although there are more male gout patients than females, the risk of developing gout among females increases after menopause.


  • Intense joint pain that can last for a week or more
  • Lingering pain or discomfort
  • Swollen, warm, and red joints
  • Limited movement of the joints


  • Uric acid build-up
  • Obesity
  • Crash diets
  • Kidney disease
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease


  • Cold compress
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Take anti-inflammatory medications

Get the Treatment You Need

Foot pain does not only cause physical pain to the patient. In severe cases, it can lead to the development of low self-esteem and negative body image and may cause frustration, anxiety, and even depression. And because foot pain can cause immobility to the patient, the everyday life and daily routine of family members residing with them may also be greatly affected. The good news is foot pain treatment is easier to get than you can imagine. So, if you are suffering from foot pain, do not spend another day without help. Consult a specialist today for proper diagnosis and treatment.
