A diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore or wound that most commonly occurs on the bottom of the foot.
A diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore or wound that most commonly occurs on the bottom of the foot in approximately 15 percent of patients with diabetes. Of those who develop a foot ulcer, six percent will be hospitalized due to infection or other ulcer-related complications.
Diabetes is the leading cause of non-traumatic lower extremity amputations in the United States, and approximately 14 to 24 percent of patients with diabetes who develop a foot ulcer have an amputation. Research, however, has shown that the development of a foot ulcer is preventable using custom made diabetic foot orthotics, diabetic shoes and nutrition control. Our doctors will evaluate and fit you with the proper device.
For complicated cases, we can also see you at the wound care center for grafting and hyperbaric treatment.