Guide to Fat Pad Augmentation

Below, we lay out a simple but clear guide to fat pad augmentation. Fat pad augmentation is a type of surgery that seeks to increase the robustness of the pads that are located on the bottom of one’s feet. This type of procedure seeks to give a patient additional padding to counteract conditions of the foot that might be impacting this part of the body in a negative way.

When the muscle and fat of the feet begin to degrade, it can cause a great deal of discomfort and pain for a patient. This process is a staple of many of the conditions that a foot doctor treats and is known as foot pad atrophy.

Guide to Fat Pad Augmentation

If you’re worried that you might be suffering from this kind of condition or are just curious about the process of fat augmentation surgery, take a look at this guide to the operation.

What Are Fat Pads?

The fat pads of the feet are a part of the feet that help to shield the more vulnerable bones and joints of this part of the body from impact and stress. Replacing these pads has historically been a very difficult process, as the feet are subjected to high amounts of pressure and stress due to their position on the body.

When the fat pads begin to deteriorate, it can be very painful, as the protection they offer the feet is eroded. This exposes the feet to the types of friction that the pads would otherwise protect against.

Should the pads become sufficiently degraded, a patient’s ability to walk and perform other day-to-day activities. This can have a very detrimental effect on a patient’s quality of life.

Causes of Fat Pad Atrophy

There are many different sources of fat pad atrophy, and helping to identify yours should assist in your surgery being a success. Some of the common sources of fat pad atrophy include the following conditions:

  • Impact on the feet
  • The shape of your feet
  • Aging
  • Standing
  • Diabetes
  • Genetics
  • Obesity
  • Steroid injections

Of the above sources for fat pad atrophy, aging is the most common source. As one begins to reach their elderly years, the amount of pressure, distance, and stress that has been placed on the feet has reached truly astronomical levels.

In addition, many elements of our modern infrastructure have the potential to negatively impact the health of our feet. Many individual’s feet spend enormous amounts of time walking on harsh materials such as concrete and steel.

On top of this, many individuals wear types of footwear that constrict and constrain the feet, causing subtle amounts of damage. Over the years, this can begin to add up.

What Is Fat Pad Augmentation?

Fat Pad Augmentation is a type of reconstructive surgery that involves retrieving fat from other areas of the body where it is plentiful, and replacing the degraded fat of the fat pads of the feet. Common areas of harvest include the buttocks, thighs, and other parts of the body that have plentiful levels of fat.

Because the fat pads of the feet are relatively small and thin by comparison, only a small amount of fat will be taken from the source area. In addition, local anesthesia will be applied to a nerve in the foot known as the posterior tibial nerve, as well as the source site for the harvesting.

Although it is a mildly invasive procedure, fat pad augmentation is an outpatient procedure, meaning that you will be able to go home following the completion of the surgery.

After Your Procedure

Following the end of your procedure, your foot will be bandaged for about twenty-four hours. During this time, your physician will instruct you to avoid walking or engaging in other activities unless it is truly necessary.

In the following three weeks, you will be advised to wear supportive shoes and participate in only activities that could be construed as easy on the feet. Following this three week period, you should be able to return to exercising and engaging in any activity you wish.

In general, fat pad augmentation is thought of as a very successful procedure, meaning that the success rate for it is quite high. It may serve you to continue wearing comfortable shoes for some time following your procedure.

The Best Foot Doctor in Palmdale

Foot and Ankle Concepts Inc, is one of the best resources available for patients who are interested in increasing the overall health of their feet. If you’re suffering from foot pad atrophy or any number of other conditions of the foot, contact us today to set up an appointment with our foot doctor in Palmdale.
