Common Causes of Foot Pain

Common Causes of Foot Pain

Walking, running, jumping, and dancing come so naturally to most people that the importance of their feet is often forgotten until they experience pain. Foot pain can greatly affect one’s quality of life. It limits almost all of your everyday activities, causing not only anxiety but also frustration. This makes it crucial to understand what …

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What Diseases Can Cause Arthritis?

Arthritis is an incredibly common condition that impacts millions of people worldwide – in fact, it’s one of the world’s most common causes of disability. The primary symptom of most kinds of arthritis is aching and swelling in the joints and extremities. There are many different subtypes of arthritis, and they all have their own …

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What Are the Types of Ankle Surgery?

Arthritis at ankle joint (Gout , Rheumatoid arthritis)

Your feet carry you through life, and they have to endure a constant load of different pressures and weights. It is understandable that your ankles, which are notoriously complex and sensitive, will start to hurt after a while. If you are dealing with undue pain, do not wait to contact your local podiatrist. We can …

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Key Symptoms of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Diabetic foot ulcers are a serious health concern for those who have diabetes. If left untreated, they pose serious health risks to one’s health. This includes infection, tissue necrosis, and even lower limb amputation in severe cases. Diabetic foot ulcers are often caused by several factors, including both physiological and environmental factors. Early detection is …

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Top Risk Factors for Plantar Warts

Top Risk Factors for Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are a type of wart that arises from a viral infection that’s caused by Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV. There are over one hundred different strains of HPV, of which only a handful can cause warts to appear on your feet. Other strains cause warts to appear on other areas of the body, …

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Signs of a Cracked Heel Bone

Signs of a Cracked Heel Bone

Cracked heel bones can be extremely painful and impact your daily life. Also referred to as calcaneal fractures, cracked heel bones can result from a number of causes. Common causes include accidents, falls, or sports injuries. Prompt treatment is necessary, so it’s important to understand the signs of a cracked heel bone. Below you will …

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Risk factors for heel fat pad atrophy

Risk factors for heel fat pad atrophy

Heel fat pad atrophy is a common condition that impacts roughly 20% of adults over the age of 40. It is characterized by the graduate thinning and deterioration of your heel fat pad. The fat pad is integral in protecting your heels. The condition can dramatically impact one’s daily life as it causes a number …

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Top 3 Signs Your Foot Orthotics Don’t Fit Right

Orthopedic Shoe Sole For Flat Foot Recovery

If you recently visited your foot specialist and you have been given a personal insole to use, you might have trouble getting used to it. After some time, you will grow accustomed to this new insert as it helps relieve pain from your foot and boosts your shoe support. You may even end up wanting …

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How to experience long-term relief from fat pad syndrome

Closeup view of a young woman with pain on leg on gray background.

The health of your feet is often unnoticed until there is an issue. However, your feet are an integral part of your daily life. Issues with them can make regular tasks extremely difficult. Your feet have a number of bones, ligaments, and joints that allow them to properly function. You also have fat pads that …

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